In forty years of experience delivering drug rehab and prevention, Narconon drug education specialists have found that young people who gain knowledge and understanding about the effects of drugs very often make the decision to stay away from drug use.

The “scare tactic” approach often failed, in some cases even perpetuating drug use by presenting information that was easily discredited.
The Narconon drug education program is evidence-based. A recent peer-reviewed outcome study of the program shows it is effective in reducing drug use among high school students.
The key to the success of Narconon’s drug education lies in both the content and delivery of the program. Interactive presentations contain simple, factual information about the physical and mental effects of drugs, as well as other social issues related to drug use. The delivery of the program includes hands-on demonstrations of the material with emphasis on real-life application.
Narconon thus provides a realistic picture of drug use. It does not just tell young people to “say no”; it educates them to come to that conclusion on their own and, more importantly, shows them how to say no and what exactly they are saying no to.
Narconon’s presentations also explore the problems that often underlie drug use. With teenagers, the cause can often be boredom or an inability to communicate with others. Therefore, other subjects such as setting and achieving goals are covered as a method to avoid falling into the trap of substance abuse.
Narconon drug education presentations are divided into several subjects:
■ The physical effects of drugs on the body
■ How drugs affect the mind
■ Marijuana—the myth
■ The Truth About Ecstasy
■ The Truth About Methamphetamine
■ Drugs and Alcohol: how the media affects young people
■ Tobacco, smoking and your health
■ LSD—one of today’s most dangerous drugs
■ Establishing and achieving goals in life—how this eliminates the desire for drugs
■ Peer pressure and resisting drug use
■ Addiction—how it starts and what keeps a person addicted
■ How emotions play a role in drug use.